With fall right around the corner you may be thinking about taking photos that incorporate a fun autumn theme. You can keep things simple and use natural backgrounds OR get a little more creative and add a fun spin to your fall photos or fall themed mini sessions. Keep reading for 9 great ideas for fun fall photos!
Pumpkins are a classic sign of fall and can easily be incorporated into any fall photo session. Head to a pumpkin patch or just place one or two pumpkins near the family to incorporate. Have an extra large pumpkin? Hollow it out for a toddler to sit in! You could also take photos of the family or kids carving a pumpkin for a fun mini session idea!
Colorful leaves make for beautiful fall themed pictures. There is something about the changing fall leaves that are simply gorgeous. ?Scatter the leaves around the ground near your subjects or have them throw them up in the air! Try to find a location where the leaves are colorful! If you are in a location where fall colored leaves are hard to come by (like here for me in Phoenix) check out the new Cozy Clicks Autumn Action Photoshop pack with 15 actions to instantly change a green scene into a colorful fall photo!
An outdoor fire on a cool fall night is cozy and fun . It’s also a fantastic backdrop for fall family photos! If you have access to a fire pit, light up a fire. Add in cozy blankets or better yet, make it a smores party! Make sure to take lots of photos of the family or couple getting cozy and enjoying the warm fire on a cool evening.
Apples are a classic symbol of the fall. Apples signal cooler weather, the start of school and of course the beginning of autumn. Using apples as a prop in your fall photos sessions or mini sessions will make for a great fall photo. A simple apple barrel, heading to an apple orchard or making (and eating!) caramel apples are all great ideas to include in your fall photos.
Candy Corn
Ok, I had to throw this one in because it is by far my favorite fall candy. It’s also got great fall colors. If you’re taking photos of little ones, use candy corns as part of your floor drop. (or check out this candy corn backdrop) You could also give them a small handful and start taking photos while they enjoy! (make sure to clear this idea with the parents first)
Head to a forest or find a large leafy tree as a location for fall photos. Bonus if there are colored leaves already, but if not, you can always add them in using the Cozy Clicks Autumn Action Photoshop Pack.
Nothing says fall like cool apple cider or a warm cup of cocoa. Set up an apple cider stand for fun fall mini sessions. Or have cocoa and (marshmallows!) for the kids to drink while taking family photos. Drinks make fun photo props that evoke the feeling of autumn!
Want to keep fall photos really simple? Just select a fall tones color palette for clothing. Dark browns or blue, reds, oranges and yellows usually evoke feelings of autumn. Advise your clients to wear combinations of these colors to get beautiful fall photos.
The start of fall is brisk and chilly- so bring some cuddly blankets into your fall photos. Have the family or kids cuddle up and start taking pictures.
What do you like to use to create fun fall photos? Leave us a comment below and share your idea!
Did this help spark an idea for your fall themed photos or mini sessions? If it did, I’d love if you’d share this post with a friend! Click on any of those colored buttons below to share on your favorite social media channel!
For help editing those fun fall photos, make sure to check out the brand new Autumn Action Pack for Photoshop CC