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Desert Foothills Concerts in the Park- Ahwatukee Spring 2015

Last Sunday was another perfect evening in Ahwatukee for the Concerts in the Park hosted by Randy Fitch and the Fitch Group.  Sadly, it was also the last one of the spring series. (See the previous concert coverage here) But the music will be back again in October!

The last concert was just as enjoyable as the rest.  The event, which is located at Desert Foothills Park, was packed with people covering the grass with lawn chairs and blankets.  The concerts start at 5 and end at 7:30p.m. There were people of all ages enjoying the perfect Arizona night. It may have been one of the busier concerts I’ve seen.  Cars were parked up and down the streets and even overflowed onto some of the side streets.  Kids were lined up in front of the stage breaking out their dance moves and at the back of the park were food trucks!  The band was energetic and played some cool rock covers even through the blinding sun early on in the evening.
Ahwatukee Concert Photographer (1)A beautiful spring night and the biggest crowd and Desert Foothills parkEnjoying a cold beverage in the grass while listening to musicTwo guitars and a banjo play at tthe last concert in the seriesFun times at the spring oncert series in Ahwatukee the band plays rock and roll


Food trucks are at the park
Families sit in the grass and listen to the music in the parkFun drawings for teh audience from Native new Yorker and Loco PatronAhwatukee Concert Photographer (8)

Cara are lined up the streets for the concertIf you missed the event this spring make sure to come out in October when the concerts int he park return with more bands, food and fun.  I enjoyed photographing this event again this spring and loved meeting so many of you there too!  If you want to see photos from some of the past concerts look here.  See you in the fall!


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