I love that spring is just around the corner. Everything gets a little bot warmer, every once in awhile the smell of the rain filters through the air, and of course flowers are in bloom! (even in the desert, yay!) That’s why this week’s them was FLOWERS. Check out the top 10 featured photographer in the Cozy Clicks community this week and make sure to leave them lots of love!
The Cozy Clicks challenges are for all level photographers with beginners strongly encouraged to participate. That’s how you start seeing results! Next week’s theme: SMILES Tag your image #cozyclickssmiles on Instagram or drop your image into the Cozy Clicks Facebook group.
For all the details and rules on the weekly challenge visit here.
See all the past featured photographers here!
Were you a featured photographer on the Cozy Clicks site? Download your badge here and add it to your website or social media page or stick it right on your photo with a link to this page to show that you’ve been featured!!