How To Successfully Shoot Photos in The Snow
Is that beautiful white snow calling you to take photos outside? Ok, so there is a reason I left Michigan to live out West. The biggest one is that I don’t love the cold or the snow. BUT, I know it is beautiful in pictures. And just like you, I wanted to take some photos in a wintery wonderland.
So earlier this year I headed North and was able to capture portraits in mounds of snow piles amist blowing wintery snowfall so that I could let you know some of the biggest things you should look out for when you give it a try!
If you want to know what to do to successfully shoot photos in the snow, look no farther. Keep reading to learn how to shot in the snow.
Pay Extra Close Attention to the White Balance
Since there will be lots of beautiful white snow covering your images you want to make sure to pay super close attention to the white balance. Set it too high and the snow might look like it was recently a bathroom for a puppy. Set it too low and well, that marshmallow-y white snow will look like a blueberry. To get it on point in snowy weather, I’d recommend using an expo disc to get the most accurate results. (there’s other ways to do it though- see the article below)
Protect Your Gear
At one point the snow was falling down so hard while I was capturing these shots, I couldn’t chance the negative effects the wetness could have on my camera. Even though I did my best to cover it, remember snow is water and water and your camera aren’t really the best of friends.
Consider a waterproof covering, or simply wait until the snow fall stops. You could always add the snowfall in later in Photoshop to make sure your camera is protected.
Shoot Faster or Narrower Than Usual
This is only because the snow creates a huge reflector over, well, everything. This is going to bring more light into your image than you’re used to. Bump up the shutter speed faster than you’d usually shoot or narrow up that aperture to let less light in. Otherwise, you’re going to notice very overexposed images.
Watch The Light
Once again, snow is like a giant reflector, so pay really close attention to the brightness of your subjects face. You may have to face them away from large piles or banks of snow to prevent heavy highlighting. On the other hand the brightness may bring in that perfect glow. Just pay attention, it’s going to be different than you’re used to.
Dress For It
Snow usually equals cold, am I right? I had to add this to the list simply because if you are coming from a place where it doesn’t snow a lot, you might not realize that if your fingers don’t have gloves covering them, you won’t be able to feel them to press that shutter. Just remember to bundle up.
Alright, are you ready to hit that snow? I’d love to see how your snowy images turn out! Make sure to follow me and tag me over on Instagram @cozyclicks, so I can check out the beautiful photos you create!