This month Cozy Clicks welcomes Nicole LaPointe from Nicole LaPointe Photography as our guest instructor inside the Cozy Clicks Ultimate Pro Editing membership! Nicole is tremendously creative in her photography skills and impresses with each photo she posts. Nicole walks you through the above image sharing with you how to “free lens” a photo and then edit step by step in a beautifully contrasted black and white. Learn more about Nicole here!
How long have you been a photographer and what was the main reason you started?
I started running around with a camera in hand at age 3! I knew at elementary age that photography spoke to me. I took photography classes in high school and college. I started my business in 2009. I did have a break from my business due to moving and homeschooling my littles, but was definitely missing a part of me, and when I realized it, I picked my camera back up and haven’t looked back.
What (who) are your favorite types of subjects to shoot and why?
My kids hands down are my favorite subjects. I have full creative say and can shoot and edit outside the box and to my vision. I love my clients too. I love being out and capturing their story. It makes my heart sing when I can give that joy to someone. My husband and I are stargazers and adventurers so the Milky Way, landscapes, and wildlife are definitely things that feed my soul too. And it’s the best when I can incorporate those beautiful places with beautiful people. We are made in God’s image and He is an artist, and He gave me the passion to capture His stunning works of art.
Canon vs. Nikon (or other) which one are you? Any specific reason why?
I shoot Nikon. My previous (and I use for freelensing) is a Pentax.
What is your go to lens?
Gee, that is hard. It depends on what I am shooting. Documentary would be my 35mm or my Lensbaby. Families or portraits would be my 70-200mm. Astro is my 12mm.
If you could only give 1 piece of advice to a new photographer out there, what would it be?
Take as many classes as you can! No matter how long you are doing photography, there is always some new techniques or style to learn. So know learning will always be a part of your journey. And DO NOT compare yourself to others, only compare yourself to your own personal growth.
If I gave you $1000 right now (or maybe more) to spend on photography gear, what would you buy?
a 24mm 1.8 lens or a star watcher star adventurer.
Do you have any secret tips for getting people to loosen up/smile during a shoot?
I like interaction so part of my preparations for sessions is to have prompts ready that I personalize to the clients ahead of time. I feel that gets them more comfortable and genuine expressions.
Who is your inspiration?
I don’t know that I have someone who inspires me. I like and feel like I pull inspiration from all over, music, color, light, art, moments in life, things my kids say, and just the beauty around me.
If you could photograph any person (dead or alive) who would that be?
I feel like I should have a great answer for this one, but I honestly don’t know.
Find more of Nicole LaPointe!
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Nicole is amazing. Thank you for this!