I want to thank Love Photographs Beautifully for featuring this image of mine on their blog this past week in the top ten”summer fun” photos. I am always truly humbled when any of my pictures are chosen for a feature, but this one in particular because it was such a candid spur of the moment shot that I caught just at the right moment. I’ve been trying to push myself more and attempt more lifestyle photography. I really want to document more of my own kids just being the kids that they are. On this hot summer afternoon (and when I say hot, I mean like 120 degrees hot) they were all having fun with squirt guns and water bottles. Their playfulness was so cute, and the lighting was perfect (yes, I did think that in my head as I was watching my kids-most photographers I think are always evaluating the light). So I grabbed my camera to capture their summer fun. Of course, I saw this coming a mile away and probably could have stopped it…but it was hot out and it sure did make a cute picture:)
Phoenix Family Photographer- “Love Photographs Beautifully” Top Ten Summer Image