Week 19: SENIORS
Week 19 of the 52 week photography challenge was SENIORS. Photographers worldwide are submitting their best work to the challenge and the top photo (as voted on by group members) is displayed as the challenge winner in the Cozy Clicks: Photography Learn and Inspire FB group! You can submit yours there too or just simply hashtag your photo #cozyclicks on Instagram to be part of the friendly fun!
Top photos for the week are selected by myself or a guest judge and are not necessarily the best technical photos or most popular, but do show creativity, growth or a fun interpretation of the theme.
Next week’s theme- SELF PORTRAIT (or photo of yourself)
To see all the themes and for more on the challenge click here. To see past challenge winners visit here.
This is a fun, friendly challenge meant to inspire you, get you to try something new, or give you the courage to just show your work to the world! Challenge winners are not always long time veterans to photography. Many are brand new!
See the top 10 photos of the week (in no particular order) here! Browse through and be inspired. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in a comment below and congratulate all the photographers on their work!

How exciting to be in the Top 10! Thanks to everyone who “Liked” my image.