Tag Archives: details

52 Week Photo Challenge With Cozy Clicks: WEEK 14 “DETAILS”

Week 14: DETAILS NEXT WEEK’s THEME: BLACK AND WHITE Week 13 of the  2018 52 week photography challenge was DETAILS All themes are up to the photographer for interpretation. Photographers worldwide are submitting their best work to the challenge and the top photo (as voted on by FB group members)  is displayed as the challenge winner...

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    10 Details You Don’t Ever Want To Forget About When Shooting Portraits

    Ever go back through a photo session and think… “Oh man, why didn’t I see THAT earlier? Now that’s all I can look at!“ Yup, me too. We’ve all missed the little details that could have been fixed during the session that now will take an extra long time editing out- or worse, can’t be...

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    • RobinMarch 27, 2018 - 6:30 pm

      I just had the phone in the pocket issue!  I caught it and had mom switch it to her other back pocket, but then later she was on the opposite side of the group and I didn’t notice it now showed again!ReplyCancel