Tag Archives: in focus pictures

3 Easy Things You Can Do To Increase the Sharpness in Your Photos

We’ve all been here. You know that feeling when you start looking through the photos you’ve just taken and the excitement creeps over you. These are awesome, you think!! But wait…you zoom in and , oh. a bit blurry. Then the next one…soft focus. And again…just not sharp and crisp. Even that super cute one...

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  • NataliaJanuary 11, 2018 - 2:48 am

    Hello. 50mm lens is great. But… how to focus on two people at once at AV1.8. one is always goes blur. Help pleaseReplyCancel

    • Cozy Clicks PhotographyJanuary 11, 2018 - 9:16 am

      Hi Natalia!
      With two subjects, I might increase the aperture to sometime a bit more narrow- maybe 2.2. Also, make sure the subjects are on the same plane. Line them up as carefully as you can so that one person isn’t more in front of the other.ReplyCancel

      • NataliaJanuary 14, 2018 - 12:59 am

        Thanks Emily. Where exactly should i focus? On the face of one person and then move the camera to other face?ReplyCancel

  • RAYMOND BEALEJanuary 9, 2018 - 7:55 am

    Learn to control your breathing, and release the shutter while exhaling slowly, helps to control camera shake, combined with back button focusing.ReplyCancel