Tag Archives: Photoshop

How To Create Winter Magic In Photoshop!

With winter just around the corner, it’s natural that you want your photos to have that wintery, snowy magical feel. But what if it’s not snowing? No problem. Photoshop to the rescue! Here are three quick ways that you can create winter magic in Photoshop! (Original photo taken with the Canon Mark ii 5d and...

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    How To Create A Photo Collage In Photoshop + FREEBIE Templates!

    How To create a photo collage in photoshop Super easy way to make a photo collage plus free templates and video tutorial!

        How To Create A Photo Collage In Photoshop + FREEBIE templates! Creating collages in Photoshop is not as hard as you might think! Collages are awesome for creating holiday cards or birthday invitations. Collages can easily be used to help spice up your blog posts or posts on social media OR you could...

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    • Lisa JohnstonFebruary 1, 2019 - 7:47 am

      Thanks, Emily! You’re the best at making these videos! You are so easy to follow. I thought making a collage was hard to create, but it’s not. You clearly showed how easy it’s to make one.ReplyCancel

    How To Easily Change Your Workspace In Photoshop | Editing Tip Tuesday

      Have you ever watched a Photoshop tutorial, but gotten a little frustrated half way in because your Photoshop screen didn’t look like the same screen as in the tutorial? It’s like something was just a little bit different, or you didn’t see the same tool up on your screen that they were using? Hey,...

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      5 Cool Ways To Use The Curves Layer To Completely Change The Look Of Your Photos In Photoshop

        The curves adjustment layer is a powerful but fun layer to use in Photoshop! There are endless possibilities to what you can create when using curves. In this tutorial, you will learn 5 Cool Ways To Use The Curves Layer In Photoshop! Yay! Simply watch the tutorial below or read to see how you...

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        How To Create Texture In Your Photos In Photoshop + FREE texture overlays!

        Have you ever looked at one of your photos and thought…it’s nice, but maybe just a bit (should I say it…) BORING? Sometimes you might have a great looking photo that you’re just looking to add a little something extra to. Textures are a great way to add in some extra creativity, make your photo...

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