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Capture ALL your family memories from extended family photo sessions, maternity pictures, high school senior milestones and the ever important classic family photos. Over 15 years experience and located right here in the Phoenix area.


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The “F” Words of Photography. 

The Stay Focused Podcast #173

An Interview with Kristin Darling

Kristin Darling has had quite a fun ride on her photography journey and has mastered the two “f” words that a lot of new photographers are fearful of…

film & flash

She chats with Emily today about why she chose to learn film photography and flash photography and shares with you actionable tips to help you get started on your film and flash journey.

Kristin is a wife and mom to 2 teenagers (one who is graduating this year – yikes), wedding & family photographer living in Central IL and working professionally for the past 11 years, using both film & digital photography to create.

In regards to education, her passion is to empower photographers to be able to confidently and consistently create a natural light look with a simple artificial light set up, ideally using equipment they already own or can purchase on any budget.

Listen Here!

Links mentioned in the show: (free online photo class!)

THE CREATIVE COLLABORATION BUNDLE (happens once a year!) Opens February 27th- learn more here!

Where to find more of Kristin!

IG – @kdarlingphoto FB

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