Do you consider yourself a positive person? I never really knew for sure until I found out through the perspective of a child. Here’s the scoop below:
This is my older boy {and wise beyond his years} …?
He took one of those silly/fun YouTube quizzes online called “What Kind of Brain Do You Have?
His results: The “CREATIVE” Brain . And he was disappointed with this??
“I wanted the smart brain” He told me. ?
“WHY??? ” I’ m sure I’d be the creative brain too!” I told him.?Being creative is awesome.
His response: ” OH NO, Mom. There is only one kind of brain you would be.” {um, Ok, continue son…}
” You would be the POSITIVE brain. You’re weird like. That’s what you’re all about- being weirdly positive” ?
I have to say it makes me smile inside a bit to know that’s how my kids think of me. ??
So I wonder, what kind of “brain” do you think your kids would say you have??
When you are a photographer though,?it can be easy to lose your positivity. I get it. There is a lot of comparison and overwhelm and overthinking…. You can get kinda down on yourself.
It’s easy to get caught up in everything we think we are doing wrong or could do better at. ?
We’re quick to get caught in the trap where we become overwhelmed or compare ourselves to others and think we are not as good of a photographer…or parent…or business owner…?
But I want you to stop for a second, get out of that trap and focus on the POSITIVE. ??I know it might sound kinda cheezy, but hey, that’s me.
Leave me a comment below and tell me ONE GREAT THING that you’ve accomplished this week. (And listen, it can be something as little as you finished the laundry, ’cause that’s a big win in my book?)?