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13 Easy Ways to Start Taking Great Pictures!

13 Easy Ways to Start Taking Great Pictures!

13 easy ways that you can start taking great pictures.  Learn photogrpahy tips to start taking great photos!

So you’ve got your new camera and want to know how to start taking great pictures with it! Photography is so much fun and can be a little addicting even. It’s natural to want to learn all you can right away to start taking great pictures. If you want some simple tips that you can start using right NOW, scroll down to read my 13 easy ways that you can start taking better pictures today! And for further reading, there’s a great book by Bryan Peterson about how to shoot great photographs with any camera.

13. Pay attention to the light. If you look into your camera (even a phone camera) and notice the light is too bright or there are too many shadows, just turn your body around slightly until you are at an angle where the light looks nicer.

12. Don’t get hung up on not having the best or the top of the line equipment.  It is the photographer not the camera that takes a great picture. Just like it is the chef and not their pots and pans that make a great meal.

11. Practice, practice, practice. And then practice some more.

Birthday portraits of little girl in Phoenix, Arizona

10. Look for distracting objects in the photo and try removing them before you take the shot.

9. Pay attention to detail.

8. Take the time to learn your camera. Read through the manual and try out some of the features it has to offer.

7. Don’t rush it. Take your time setting up the shot.Family of Threee portrait with mom, dad and toddler up in the Phoenix mountains

6. Make sure that you are not chopping off any heads, legs, arms, hand, etc. OUCH!

5. Look at the colors in your photo and find colors that complement each other. (blue& orange, red & green, yellow & purple)

4. Try shooting at different times of day and see what works best for you. ( I like to right before sunset!)


3. Practice shooting different subjects. (our kids are always fun to take pictures of , but try a landscape, a still life or something artsy)

2. Don’t try to learn everything at once. It will all start to come together. With photography there is a lot to learn, so don’t overwhelm yourself.

1. Have fun with it!


Hope that gives you a start to taking great pictures with that new camera! Let me know below what you are most overwhelmed about when it comes to taking a great picture. 


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Learn 13 easy ways that you can start taking great pictures.  Follow these simple beginning photography tips to learn more about taking great photos!
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  • MarisaJanuary 17, 2017 - 2:58 pm

    Thank you for the tips. I am new to photography. It has always been my passion. 8 months ago I got a Nikon D5300 for my birthday. I have my good and bad days (shots). My frustration is with blurry pictures. I can’t figure it out what’s the best setting ISO, aperture or shutter speed. I want to be a professional photographer but I sometimes get disappointed with my photos. How can I get sharp beautiful pictures? Any good suggestions? Thank youReplyCancel

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