Did you just take a picture and it was totally too dark?Want to know how to fix an underexposed photo? Read on to find out how!
It happens to the best of us. We forget to change our camera settings and BAM!…the best photo in our set is too dark and underexposed. It’s a good thing there is a simple fix. Here are the three easy ways to fix an underexposed photo.
Listen about Underexposing photo on The Stay Focused Podcast!
This is a must. If you are shooting in RAW format, you have the flexibility to change mistakes that you made while shooting. If you weren’t shooting in RAW, now is the best time to start. Consult your camera manual and see how to switch it over. You will be so glad you did. That underexposed photo you are looking at right now trying to fix will be much harder to?work with if you shot it in jepg.
2. Use the Exposure Slider
Yes, it is that simple. If you are shooting in RAW, open the photo up in ACR or Lightroom and move the exposure slider to the right. This will instantly brighten the photo and start the fix to an underexposed picture. Now you’re off to a good start!
3. Add Luminance
This is an important step because when you do start manipulating the exposure slider, along with the brightness, will also come a fair amount of noise ( this is the little specks and pixels you see as you zoom in). Some of that can be eliminated just by increasing the luminance slider to the right. Be careful with this though because adding in too much will make you subject start to look like plastic- and that’s just as bad as being underexposed!
Want to see the steps in action? Watch my short video tutorial below and see for yourself how I fixed the exposure in this photo!
Thanks so much for reading and let me know if there is another way you fix your underexposed ( or overexposed) photos! Leave me a comment below.

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Hi, I thought you should know that over the last few days I’ve tried to get to your site through various pins of yours and have been directed to some page called fine-photo.info this has happened several times because I’m drawn to you editing style……I’m sure you are losing some traffic. Sorry to dump this on you.
Thanks so much for letting me know Penny…unfortunately not the first time someone has stolen my pins:( I’ll get on top of this. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention! Emily
Beautiful work! I’m familiar with photoshop but can’t seem to figure out how you get the skin to pop. At 1:45 she is darker and then at 1:46 she’s glowing. How do I achieve this? I’m struggling so bad with brightening just the skin, giving that wonderful pop.
Hi Kris! Thanks for your kind words. Working with skin is tough- it took me a long time to figure out how to get it right (and sometimes I still struggle) And you are right, her skin does pop more in my final image. After I fix the exposure there are a few more things I do in PS, especially with skin. I have another free tutorial here on skin that might help: http://cozyclicks.com/tricks-for-great-skin-using-acr-a-video-tutorial/ i also have a free and paid eCourse on mastering skin if you want to check them out: https://cozy-clicks-education.teachable.com/
Hope this points you in the right direction!
I’m having a hard time with eyes in light room. I’m Lao having a hard time learning Photoshop. I have tried and tried and I just don’t get it. I’m ready to take my photos to the next level but not sure how to at this point
Photoshop is a process, there is so much to learn so pace yourself and don’t try to learn it all at once. And don’t give up! Trying to focus oin one thing a week might be helpful, you can search YouTube for a lot of free tutorials. I also offer some classes- one even on eyes here: https://cozy-clicks-education.teachable.com/ Hope that helps a little:)