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Student Spotlight”: Meet Tamara Carnes

The best editing courses for new portrait photographers

Student Spotlight”: Meet Tamara Carnes


Wanna know something pretty awesome about photographer, Tamara Carnes?  She took her own wedding pictures! And they look AMAZING!! Tamara is definitely an up and coming photographer and has been through my shooting course, Shoot It Sensational and My Child Editing Video Course too! She is determined to learn and invest in herself and it shows! Hear a little about her journey and how she might be able to help you too!

Describe your photography journey.

I just started my photography journey in March of 2018. I signed up at my community college, looking for instruction. I ended up at Cozy Clicks and Emily has taught me more in just a couple months than I learned in 2 semesters in college! I’m grateful to be learning so much!!

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

What (or who) was your inspiration for wanting to get into photography?

I was inspired to get into photography because as an 8 year old child, I was in a terrible bike crash, losing my memory for 4 days. When it was all said and done, I was left with very little short term memory, which means most things never make it to my long term memory. Pictures are how I remember my life and they are of the utmost importance to me. That’s why I do what I do.

What type of photography do you enjoy the most and why?

I love photographing people and animals mostly. I love to try and capture a glimpse of their true spirit. I love capturing genuine moments in my photos.

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

Where do you see yourself as a photographer in the next 5 years?

I see myself as a very successful photographer in the next 5 years. With Emily’s help, that won’t be a problem.

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

What do you think your biggest struggles are as a photographer and what do you do to overcome them?

My biggest struggles are nailing focus every time. I’ve switched to back button focus to help and I’ve continued to learn what needs to be in place to get that sharp focus. Posing has also been a struggle but only because I hadn’t learned it yet. It all boils down to getting proper instruction from someone that can teach well.

What is one piece of advice you would give to a brand new photographer?

I would say invest in yourself. Get good gear and mostly, great lenses. Find a mentor and stick with them. Don’t let yourself get distracted by ALL of the online teachers out there. They are not all created equally.

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

Tell us a little bit about the gear you use.

I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark IV. I LOVE IT!! I invested in the Canon 135MM L series lens. I also have a Canon 70-200MM lens and a Canon 50 mm 1.4.

Tell us some ways or places where you continue to learn more about photography (or editing)?

I’ve learned the most from Cozy Clicks online. Emily has taught me everything from how to take my photos to how to edit them in post. YouTube has been another good place to learn from if you find credible people to follow.

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

Do you have any funny or embarrassing moments to share about a time when you were out shooting?

I was invited to a themed photoshoot and I was SOOO excited to be able to photograph beautiful people and especially to edit them so I could be really creative! Well, when I got home and looked at my images, they were ALL in jpeg!! So I was very limited on what I could do to them in post. That was an embarrassing moment…just goes to show you I’m still learning. (:

Describe how you find inspiration in your work.

I find inspiration in my work when I can see the feeling in it.

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

What tips do you have that would help others that are looking to advance their portrait photography skills?

I would highly suggest you take some online classes from Emily at Cozy Clicks! I’ve learned more from Emily in just a short amount of time weeks, than I’ve learned from everywhere else I’ve tried. Including the community college! I would also suggest learning posing and actually practicing EVERYTHING you learn. Put it into practice right away…and don’t stop. Our work evolves and keeps getting better over time. I would also suggest investing in good quality camera gear. My full frame sensor camera gives me images that just blow my mind…

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

How would you describe your style?

I would say my style is somewhere between posed and freestyle. My goal is to make my images look as genuine as possible.


The best editing courses for new portrait photographers

Best online courses for portrait editing for new photographers (8)

Where can we find you? Do you have a website or social media channel where people can follow you?

Please go and support Tamara and check out her work and business page! I think you’re going to love it!!


To read more about students in the Cozy Clicks e-courses, hear their story, transformation  and how they can help and inspire YOU! Check them out here!

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  • Terri TiffanyMarch 8, 2019 - 12:00 pm

    I loved reading her story about her journey into photography. We all worry that we aren’t good enough and will never learn so reading that someone else who takes fantastic photos is doing it too, boosts my confidence. Thank you!ReplyCancel

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