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Want To Be A Professional Portrait Photographer? How to Know When You Are Ready To Go Pro

The most importratn things to know to become a professional photographer

So your family and friends have told you take great pictures. You like doing it. You’re thinking that it might be fun to expand into a portrait photography business. Yay! Good for you! Being a photography business owner is a lot of fun. But do you know if you are truly ready to make that jump

Being in business takes a lot more than just buying a fancy camera. Keep reading to learn how you know when you are ready to go pro!

You feel confident in your ability..(at least 75% of the time)

Notice it doesn’t ?say ALL of the time? That’s because if you wait until you are 100% sure you are ready, that day might never come. Even the best photographers out there get a little unsure, loss some confidence or are a little fearful some of the time. So generally speaking, I’m going to give you the go ahead if 3/4th of the time you’re pretty confident.

You’re comfortable shooting in manual mode

You might switch to shutter or aperture priority once in awhile. But most of the time, manual is where you’ve got it set. This is because you know it is going to help you take better photos that you have more creative control over. This also will help ensure your focus! (See #3)

Most of your pictures are in focus

Are your pictures soft, a little blurry, not sharp? Then you’re not ready to go pro—-yet. Now this doesn’t mean every.single.shot you take has to be on point, but MOST of them should be.

You have a good understanding of light

When you go out to take photos of your kids or family, do you easily direct them to the most flattering light? Or do you blindly walk out just looking for spots that are pretty? If your main focus is on finding the best light. You’re ready !

You are ready to pay taxes

This is a big one. If you are ready to be a professional business, then you must BE a business, which includes all things that go with that title. When you take money for a service it is required by law to claim that money and pay taxes on it. Different states (and countries) will have slightly different laws around this. You can start by contacting your states department of revenue to help you with this process. And trust me, they’re usually pretty good about helping newcomers out (they want your money!! )

You have (at least) a general business model

Before you open your doors to the public and announce that you are here, you should have a business model in place. Now, this doesn’t have to be set in stone. It can change and evolve over time. But you should at least have a rough skeleton of an idea. How much will your charge? Will that cover your expenses? What days will you work? Will you sell prints/digitals Do you have a marketing strategy?

Think about these things first.


So, are you ready to make the jump into business mode? If you answered yes to most of these, good luck, I know you will rock it!



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